Monday, June 13

Spending time with my two loves!

I love Saturdays after wedding season is over.  My Saturdays are now reserved for the two loves in my life: my wonderful husband and gorgeous little girl Isabella.  On this particular Saturday we decided to take the munchkin to Butterfly Creek.  Isabella was very excited and so was I.  If you haven't been to Butterfly Creek - it is a really cool place to take the kids.  There are so many things for them to do.  We saw fish, crocodiles, alligators, spiders, bunny rabbits, pigs, butterflies and well the list goes on and on.  We even got to take a train ride.

I'm also bit rusty with taking photos as I've been so busy just taking photos of my cakes and cupcakes!! I thought it would be fun to take along the camera and capture our fun day out!

 I love this photo of my hubby and little girl

There were some amazing butterflies and gorgeous flowers

The pig was such a cutie and so was this bunny! We just wanted to take him home.

Isabella loved giving cuddles.

I love my Saturdays and can't wait for this Saturday to arrive because I'm sure we'll be doing some fun or crazy!!


  1. What a cute family! Your daughter is adorable & the photography is stunning!

  2. Carinhosamente venho avisar você
    seu blog é um dos homenageados
    no meu blog aqui no Brasil.beijos no coração,Evanir.

  3. Thank you Cupcations!! Hehe I think I have a pretty spunky hubby and little munchkin =) I wish I had more time to go out and take photos for fun!

    @ Evanir: I wish I know what you have said? =)
