Tuesday, May 7

Miss Bella Cupcake's new addition!

A child's room is always changing and a sign that they are growing up way to fast!! We decided we needed to add a new addition to Miss BC's room.  She started primary school this year and now has homework so I really wanted to create a space for her where she can do homework and other crafty things.

I wanted to create a space that was pretty and represented Miss BC.  My munchkin is a girly girl so a space that would inspire her would have to be girly!

This is her new workspace! She absolutely LOVES its and will spend most afternoon in her room now! Either doing her homework or drawing something for either myself of Mr BC.

Everything I brought I got for a bargain!! Always working with a budget in mind!  I absolutely love her desk which I found on Trademe!! The best buy though would have to be her very cool desk lamp which I scored for $50 and they retail for $245 in stores!

Love this little wall shelf which I got for $10 at the Takapuna markets last year!  This was meant to be for her playhouse but there wasn't any room for it.  I think it works perfectly in her room!! I give it a coat of paint and I love the finished look!

I also love the small cabinet that sits on the desk! It was gorgeous in it's natural state but really wanted some colour in Miss BC's space so decided to give it coat of pastel teal/green paint.  The paper used for the back wall of the cabinet I just LOVE and a great find at my local Spotlight store!

Crayons, felt tip pens, color pencils and scissors now all have their place in vintage agee jars! I am a perfectionist so love that everything now has its place and I think this perfectionist trait is rubbing off on Miss BC!! Hmmmm .... :)

It really is lovely to see Miss BC enjoying using her new space!! It brings me a warm and fuzzy feeling!

Have a wonderful day lovelies!!